Kushagra Gupta
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Implemented Dijkstra's Algorithm, Topological Ordering Algorithm and Hash Table
to build a Spell Checker Program.
Language: Java
Operating System Concepts
Seeking Tutor Program: Multi-threaded C program.
Problem Statement: A student visits mentoring center to
seek help. If there is space in waiting area, the student takes a seat and
notifies the tutors that a student has arrived. If a tutor is not tutoring,
lets the student in.
If there are no vacant seats in waiting area, the student leaves and returns
after sometime.
Implemented a Priority Queue, and Locks using semaphores and Pthread library
File System Checker
Implemented a Depth First Search algorithm to scan through the directory
structure and find any
inconsistencies in the file system.
Language: C
Implemented a Lottery Scheduler in xv6 OS kernel.
CodeUnix Shell
Programmed a Command Line Interpreter for xv6 operating system.
Human Computer Interaction
Rebate Form
A user centric data entry windows application. Programmed the UI for faster
data entry and the
backend for File I/O, data validation and proper feedback.
Language: C#, .NET framework.
Android Game
Programmed an Android game to touch shapes of correct type and color.
Instruction are not fixed and
are generated randomly. There are 4 activities. One to show top 12 scores.
One is the main activity
with instructions. One for the Game and last one to add a score to the high
scores list.
Built a Custom View for the Game Play Area. Wrote an algorithm to avoid
overlapping of shapes while generating
Language and tools: Java, Android Studio, Android mobile for testing.
Virtual Grocery Store
Created a 3D Virtual Environment in Unity. Added 3D sounds to the environment using Steam API. Programmed the controllers to implement a travel technique to browse through the store and to interact with objects. Programmed the 3D objects to show a UI whenever a user interacts with them. Added animation to the shopping cart to simulate adding and removing items. Final task is to add a simulated billing desk. Language and Tools: C#, Unity, Steam, VRTK.
Programmed a web application with signup, signin, logout, and session functionality.
Defined a user model and connected the application to MongoDB Atlas to save user
credentials with encryption.
Language and Tools: Node, Express, MongoDB, EJS, HTML, CSS, VS Code.
Programmed a website to look for restaurants nearby depending upon cuisine. Used Yelp API to fetch restaurants data, Geolocation and Geocoding API to locate the user, and Maps JS API to draw a map canvas and populate markers (restaurants) on it. Languages and tools: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, VS Code.